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Client Focused Financial Planning

The Leonard Financial Group, LLC provides values based financial planning focused on prioritizing client interest in Southern California. Our firm is a fiduciary, meaning we follow regulations as financial advisors that require us always to put the interests of our clients above our own. Nearly 80% of individuals who call themselves financial advisors do not follow this policy, whereas the advisors at our firm act as financial avatars. We embody and operate our client’s best financial interests. We create customized financial strategies and plan for our client’s unique goals, values, and resources.

people looking at laptop

Personalized Plans to Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals

When you make a consultation with us, we’ll discuss your personal and financial goals and concerns. We’ll work with you to establish mutual expectations and discover a basis for moving forward in a financial relationship. Our unique approach to the money management process focuses on bringing value to the lives of our clients. We believe in successful planning for successful people. Our principles include the following:

  • Building solid relationships: We emphasize the importance of trust, transparency, honesty, integrity, and understanding.
  • Creating values-based financial plans: We create spending plans and investment strategies that reflect the client’s values and goals.
  • Keeping accountable: We encourage clients to actively hold themselves accountable for their finances with regular reviews and adjustments.
  • Putting client values first: We take the time to get to know each client’s core beliefs, values, and goals to help them determine what they want to achieve with their money.

Qualified Advisors With Extensive Experience and Expertise

Our financial firm was founded in 2003 to provide unbiased, objective, and comprehensive financial advice for every client. Our firm is a registered investment advisor in the state of California. Our licensed planners and specialty staff hold qualified degrees and industry experience. Our team is committed to helping clients achieve their financial goals through a client-centered approach. We work as a team and fully serve each client’s needs with our expertise.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation